EFPRA members EFPRA's members are of the national rendering associations of countries throughout Europe. To find out more about the rendering industry in particular countries follow the link to the relevant national association. Austria Expand Fachverband der Nahrungs und Genussmittelindustrie Austrian Renderers Federation Belgium Expand VZW UNEGA & Belgische vereniging der Aangenomen Vilbeluiken Bulgaria Expand Bramas 96 AD www.bramas.bg Croatia Expand AGROPROTEINKA www.agroproteinka.hr Czechia Expand EXTRA MASTER a.s www.extramaster.cz Denmark Expand Danish Renderers DAKA a.m.b.a. www.daka.dk DC Ingredients A/S Finland Expand Finnish Renderers Association Honkajoki Oy www.honkajokioy.fi France Expand SIFCO, Syndicat des Industries françaises des coproduits animaux www.sifco.fr Germany Expand STN - Servicegesellschaft Tierische Nebenprodukte mbH www.stn-vvtn.de Associate EFPRA member K-Pro GmbH www.k-pro.eu Greece Expand Fargeco Hellas Ltd fargecohellas.com Hungary Expand ATEV Fehérjefeldolgozó Zrt. www.atev.hu & Katech Fehérjefeldolgozó és Forgalmazó Zrt. Iceland Expand Associate member: EXIS ehf www.exis.is Ireland Expand Federation of Irish Renderers & Stada Cona Italy Expand ASSOGRASSI www.assograssi.it UNAITALIA www.unaitalia.com Latvia Expand L.J.Linen Ltd www.ljlinen.com Lithuania Expand UAB "Rietavo Veterinariné Sanitarija" The Netherlands Expand VVS (Dutch Association Processors Slaughter By-Products) www.vvsonline.nl Vereniging van Nederlandse Destructoren Norway Expand Biosirk Norge https://www.biosirk.no Poland Expand Rendering Industry Employers' Association (Związek Pracodawców Przemysłu Utylizacyjnego) www.zppu.eu Portugal Expand ETSA www.etsa.pt Romania Expand SC. Smithfield Prod srl www.smithfield.ro Serbia Expand Energo Zelena www.energozelena.rs Slovakia Expand JAV-AKC www.jav-akc.sk VAS s.r.o. www.vas-ml.sk Slovenia Expand KOTO d.o.o www.koto.si PERUTNINA Ptuj d.d www.perutnina.com Spain Expand ANAGRASA, Palacio Miraflores, Carrera San Jerónimo, 15 - 2, 28009 Madrid www.anagrasa.org Sweden Expand ELCCO FOOD AB & KONVEX GELITA Sweden AB Switzerland Expand Centravo AG www.centravo.ch ROGA S.A. www.roga.ch The United Kingdom Expand FABRA http://www.fabrauk.co.uk/ Coltrad Ltd www.coltrad.com