Sustainability Charter Publications

Rendering supports and enhances the sustainability of the animal-based food chain. The EFPRA Sustainability Charter is available as a hard copy and an interactive version.

Animal by-products are a rich source of energy and nutrition. Renderers recover these valuable resources and sell them in several products to other parts of the animal food chain and to other sectors. This helps upstream and downstream partners to improve the sustainability of their operations.

Products ranging from from food, animal feed and feriliser to renewable, fuels, oleochemicals and pharmaceuticals use animal by-products. This supports a circular bioeconomy that reuses, recovers and recycles resources instead of producing 'waste'.

To read the EFPRA Sustainability Charter online, go to You can view and download PDF copies of the Charter and the 18 Case Studies on this page.

Sustainability Charter

Case Studies

Learn more about the Sustainability Charter

Watch the video of Richard van Lijssel's presentation at the Autumn Congress which launched the Charter. You can also view or download his presentation slides and read an interview with Richard here.