Recent Events

Congress 2024 – Amsterdam

Mor than 500 delegates attended the  22nd EFPRA Congress at the Anantara Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam. The event was orgnasised by Darling Ingredients and Royal Ten Kate.

Watch the short event video below or view photos at the dedicated event website.

Congress 2023 – Napoli

Over 500 delegates visited Napoli for the 21st EFPRA Congress. Hosted by Assograssi, the beautiful setting was complemented by a excellent technical and social programme that was enjoyed by all.

A few photographs from the event are included below.

Congress 2022 – Challenges of a new decade

After an enforced 3-year break, the global rendering industry met again at the EFPRA Congress in Vilamoura, Portugal. More than 400 renderers and affiliated business partners attended, including colleagues from North and South America, Australia and Asia.

The programme discussed key topics such as the feed ban, insects, pet food, organic fertilisers, biofuels, sustainability and many more. President Sjors Beerendonk reminded us that all EFPRA products contribute to a sustainable way of life from food, feed to energy. Legislators should consider how to use this potential to make Europe more sustainable and resilient in times when prices for fertiliser, energy and feed are skyrocketing.

Autumn Mini-Congress 2021

Autumn Congress was the first chance for 18 months for members of the European rendering industry to meet and discuss important developments such as the reauthorisation of PAPs and the new Sustainability Charter. Over 100 delegates attended to listen to six insightful presentations, a further 20 people who couldn't make it in person joined to watch presentations online. A selection of photos are included below.

* Any photos marked with * in the caption were kindly provided by Harald Niemann of STN.