White Paper - PAPs in poultry diets
Read about research into the benefits of including PAPs in broiler and layer diets.
White Paper - PAPs in poultry diets

Poultry nutrition research: Nutrient digestibility of processed animal proteins in broilers
Report 1185, 2019, M.M. van Krimpen, P. Biker and J. van Harn, Wageningen University and Research,

Poultry nutrition research: Development of performance, behavious and gut health in laying hens in relation to dietary protein source
Report 341, 2010, M.M. van Krimpen, T. Veldkamp, G.P. Binnendijk, R. de Veer. Wageningen University and Research
Development of performance, behaviour and gut health in laying hens in relation to dietary protein sources

White Paper - PAPs in pig diets
Read about research into the benefits of including PAPs in pig diets.
White Paper - PAPs in pig diets

Pig Nutrition Research - Use of animal by-products in pig diets.
Use of animal by-products in pig diets: ill and faecal nutrient digestibility. Report 1774, March 2020, Paul Bikker, PhD - Wageningen University and Research.