

Adjustment of animal protein regulations to stimulate circular economy in EU

Changes to animal by-product regulations could make a valuable contribution to creating a circular economy. A proposal currently under scrutiny...

Answer your questions about PAPs

A new set of questions and answers about Processed Animal Proteins (PAPs) is now available on the EFPRA website. The reapproval of...

A step towards more sustainable animal feed

A new step has been taken towards sustainable animal nutrition following developments in the Netherlands. A cluster of Dutch companies,...

Step up sustainability with Processed Animal Proteins

Food production is a great place to start building a circular economy. Farmers all over the world are already reusing a...
Corona novel virus 3d polygonal text. Virus infections epidemic banner on blue background. Vector healthcare coronavirus illustration

The rendering industry’s response to Covid-19

COVID-19 is affecting all people and businesses with many countries only keeping critical national infrastructure in operation. Rendering facilities remain...

EFPRA joins consortium to show high sustainability of protein in feed

In 2018 EFPRA joined  three other European renderers in a public private partnership (PPP) “Circular bio economy” to increase the...

Congress 2021 will now be held in Portugal due to postponement of 2020 event

Due to Coronavirus, the 2020 EFPRA Congress which was scheduled to take place in Portugal has been postponed until 2021....

PAP safe with respect to African Swine Fever Virus

EFPRA is reassuring users and importers of processed animal proteins (PAPs) and animal fats that these materials pose no risk...

EFPRA contribute to SA BREF review

EFPRA attended the opening meeting for the review of the SA BREF, the Best Available Techniques Reference document for the...